$9.95 shipping orders up to $200.
Only ordering patterns? We will send your patterns first class and change your shipping to $2.50
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All orders are placed over an SSL encrypted site. Order with confidence that your personal information will be protected.
We will NEVER sell or give your e-mail or any other contact information to ANYONE!
Call if you would like to place your order over the phone.
All fabric is 44/45 inches wide and priced by the yard unless otherwise noted.Order fabric in 1/4 yard increments. ie: 0.5 0.75 1.25 1.5 1.75 etc....
2 patterns for the price of one! Make quick work of medallion quilts with these P2P patterns. (These will not work as P2P patterns in Precision Stitch, but in the latest version of Creative Studio they do!!)
Product 164/298